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Winter sports with the kids!

Enjoying winter sports with the family, or perhaps the whole family, we can understand that well. 

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Ski School Bichlbach 

Nagele sports is within walking distance of the Mahberg, where you can rent your winter  over here . You can also come here for all ski and snowboard lessons. 

We can speak from experience that the lessons are skilled but above all fun and that your children will be in good hands 

The slope from which they start is within walking distance of the Mahberg, there is also a toddler ski meadow for the smallest. 


The 'Sled' Mountain

As a child you naturally go to the snow to Sleeen! 

Our gasthof is named after the Mahberg we almost sit against. this used to be a ski slope (which we still skied ourselves) and there was a lift, unfortunately this has not been the case for a number of years. 

Now it functions as a 'sled' mountain and that's what we called dekerg years ago. 

the perfect place to let the kids sledding so that they go to bed tired but satisfied ;)

Ski School Bichlbach 

Voor vele kinderen is de skishow een hoogtepunt van de vakantie. 
Twee keer per week vinden er in de regio 's avonds skishows plaats. Daar laten de leraren van de lokale skischolen en freestylers hun vaardigheden zien en voeren ze geweldige stunts uit. Sensationele formaties, tricks of sprongen door vuurringen inspireren het publiek. 

De skishows zijn gratis te bezoeken 


The 'Sled' Mountain

As a child you naturally go to the snow to Sleeen! 

Our gasthof is named after the Mahberg we almost sit against. this used to be a ski slope (which we still skied ourselves) and there was a lift, unfortunately this has not been the case for a number of years. 

Now it functions as a 'sled' mountain and that's what we called dekerg years ago. 

the perfect place to let the kids sledding so that they go to bed tired but satisfied ;)

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